Regular Expression Generator

Regular Expressions, sometimes called "regex", are a sequence of characters that specify a pattern in text. Frequently used for searching in text, in the context of D2L, they can be used to accommodate different ways a student might enter a correct answer into a quiz question that could be correct.


For example, if either blue or green are acceptable answers.

Enter a correct response in each of the inputs below.

For example, if either disk to image or disk-to-image are acceptable answers.

Enter the correct answer using spaces as a separator.

Allow these separators:

For example, if either money or monies are acceptable answers.

Enter the stem and suffixes below. In the example, the stem would be "mon" and the suffixes would be "ey" and "ies".

For example, if either donde or dóndé are acceptable answers.

Enter the correct answer without any diacritics.

Allow these diacritics:

